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Parent and Child
Intellectual Functioning

Measuring a child’s intellectual functioning is sometimes referred to as measuring a child’s “IQ”.

Educational Assessments

An educational assessment consists of a combination of measures that assess a child’s........

School Readiness

As a parent, do you wonder whether your child has the necessary skills and abilities tocommence school?.....

Image by Anna Kolosyuk
Autism Spectrum Disorder

The assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) requires a comprehensive assessment........

Woman and child

At Townsville Paediatrics we offer a range of neuropsychological assessments to children and.......

Range of psychological tests that can be used:
  • Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS-IV)

  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV)

  • Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS)

  • Test of Premorbid Functioning

  • Rey Complex Figure

  • Various Word-List Learning Tasks

  • Verbal fluency tasks

  • Stroop colour-word interference test

  • Trail Making Test

  • Boston Naming Test

  • Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT-II)

  • Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM)

A comprehensive assessment comprises 2-3 hours of testing (including an interview),
interpretation of the results, liaising with 3rd parties to obtain additional background information,
a comprehensive report answering the referral question, and a feedback session to provide
results and outline helpful recommendations and treatment options to optimise functioning (can
be 6 – 10 hours of the Psychologist’s time). If you have had a previous assessment then please
provide the details to our admin team as the neuropsychologist would require copies of any
previous assessments.

 ADHD Assessment
NDIS Functional Capacity

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