Neuropsychological Assessments

At Neurodiversity Hub we offer a range of neuropsychological assessments to children and (young)adults, for a variety of reasons.
A Neuropsychological assessment uses specific tests
designed to assess for memory function, reasoning ability, executive functioning, and processing speed, to name a few.
Such an assessment can be particularly useful when investigating the presence of suspected disorders such as ADHD/ADD, and organic brain diseases such as Dementia.
There are lots of reasons why a Neuropsychological assessment would be helpful such as:
To determine a person’s capacity or competency to make decisions
To rule out a cognitive disorder or to strengthen, refute a diagnosis
To help family members to better understand the condition and tailor interventions to optimise functioning
Provide insights into regions of the brain that may not be working as efficiently as others
To answer why is this person experiencing memory or other cognitive difficulties?
Does the person have an acquired brain injury (ABI)
Does the person have ADHD or another learning disorder?
What is the impact of this person’s diagnosis (e.g. ABI, medical condition, psychiatric illness) on their thinking and memory skills?
What are the person’s strengths and weaknesses relating to memory, concentration, language abilities and decision making?
To identify and pinpoint changes in a person’s thinking and behaviour.
Does this person meet eligibility criteria for access to disability supports
To describe potential implications of cognitive difficulties for work or study
Assessment and advice regarding management of ABI-related behaviours of concern (e.g. aggression, disinhibition, reduced initiation)
To provide advice and strategies for managing memory or other cognitive difficulties
Provide recommendations for treatment planning and support needs
Psychoeducation and support for clients and families about the brain, ABI, and cognitive strategies
Contact us today for more information